In which two intrepid travelors leave the comforts of their Indiana homes, in order to teach Bible classes to the good people of Tyumen, Russia. If you are new to the blog you may want to start with the first post, which is the bottom one on the archive at the right (under April).

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm leavin'...on a jet plane

Well, Visa snafus and even volcanic ash could not keep the Dan grounded (and yes, the Dan will be referring to himself in the third person for this with it). The purpose of this trip: the Dan will spend two weeks teaching the Book of Psalms in a Bible College in Tyumen, Russia. For those inclined to look this up on the map, Tyumen is in Southeast Siberia. The Dan's partner for the trip: Peter Jessen, another pastor in Franklin, and all-around not a bad guy for a Presbyterian.
Our good friend Steve (the stud) Moore dropped us off at the new Indy airport at eight. Check-in took 10 minutes. So much for getting there two hours early for international flights.
The Dan Struck up a conversation with a random Russian Woman at the airport. At first the Dan thought she was just hitting on him (he gets that a lot, especially from Russians), but she desired to teach him some Russian language. She apparetly felt a little sorry for the Dan. Unfortunately, he floundered over the first word ("hello"), because it had 18 syllables, and you must roll your "r"s. Among the Dan's many and sundry talents (surfing, brain surgery, levitating), rolling one's "r"'s is not listed. The Russian Woman was not impressed. The Dan is not used to leaving people unimpressed.

(This is not the Russian Woman. But she did look somewhat like this...person)

Anyway, first flight is ready to take off. The Dan will be back.


  1. Daniel AKA "The Dan" you are so crazy! :) have a safe trip! Andi

  2. To all the Presbyterians out there, I officially apologize for the Dan. He can't help it, he was injured at birth.
